Ren Lauren Fine Art
Lakewood Farm Studios

Pre Installation work

These pieces are being cast in plaster using live models for a future installation. Here are the original sketches created in ArtRage 4 software program and re established on canvas with acrylic .

Below is an Installation piece presented at a show for Goddard University - Inspired by a true story of a 4 year old boy tossed from a moving car into the desert by his father, because "God told him to." The boy was rescued by a passer by in the early morning darkness.
Poetry manifest in clay - Hybrid Multi Medium

Both pieces are created in a Raku kiln using a saggar technique in which artifacts such as feathers , horse hair , sea weed, salt, sugar , a cactus flower pedal and copper foil were symbolically pressed up against the clay which is then enveloped in another vessel. Saggar firing was originally developed to protect wares from ash-slagging and flame-flashing in wood firings, but in contemporary use, with clean-burning gas firings, the process is used in exactly the opposite way: to contain fumes around a pot so that the pot picks up color from the fumes.Up close you can see the feathers and crystals of salt.
Pequeña piel del Niño ,
Small child hide
Fly this way
Let me catch you
Niño pequeño
Little boy
Se esconden en el miedo
Small one, hide in fear
Beneath the cactus
and a midnight sky
You are safer with the wolves
The desert sand burries you
Cubrir, mi alma los ojos azules
Cover, my blue eyed soul
The thorns pain stiffens you
Lifes visions
Haunt you
Ha mentido
He has lied
Que no era una madre, un padre
That was not a parent,a father
He was not given , he stole
No father knows he
You are free
Cast to the feral city streets
Arms . limbs , hearts
Hands , lips, tears
Confuse you with their touch
Here in sleep
A new mother sings for you
Only for you
La nación de pecadores nos
lleva a perdonar
A nation of sinners begs your forgiveness
They lost you
in their cinematic ignorance
Where you are not real
They see you now
Desde arriba promies vienen
Down from above come new promises
Desde arriba vienen las nuevas verdades
Down from above come new truths
He lied ,
del Niño , He lied